Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Khawater Muslimah 4 - Why wear the Hijab ;)

Assalamu Alaykom Wa Rahmatu Wa Barakatu brothers and sisters = )

A woman in hijab is like a pearl in it's shell  <3

"Why wear the Hijab video version =>

A video that I strongly recommend =>

A Beautiful Guide on 'how to wear it'  =>

When we as humans do something wrong we try to somehow justify what we did by giving excuses, so I got almost all the excuses that you could possibly come up with from the  lecture by Amr Khalid that gives a reasonable Islamic reply to all the excuses we give ourselves for NOT wearing the Hijab, this is literally said by him I just copy pasted it to my blog  :)

Sorry that it's LONG but you don't have to read it ALL just scroll down to the excuse that YOU came up with so that you don't get bored while reading  =)

So I'd ask you, ‘what are you?’, You would reply, ‘I'm a Muslim’. What is the meaning of Muslim? A meaning of a Muslim/and Islam is to submit yourself totally to Allah Prophet Ibrahim had to sacrifice his son and he didn't understand why he had to do such a thing. So that teaches us how to submit to Allah’s word. I would rather hear you say that you are not strong enough to put the Hijab on, than you to say that you are not convinced with Allah’s own words.

The women who say the most important thing is what is in the inside, that her intentions are always good, and she is a good person, and the Hijab is the Hijab of the heart. And these women say that she prays 5 times a day, better than 60 men of you, and she prays the Night Prayers, and she prays the Sunnah prayers, and she really does all of these things! And she gives charity- But, she says, you know,well  that's enough worship for me!
SubhanAllah. The Prophet (saw) says: You cannot take parts of Islam and reject other parts. You have to take the religion as a whole.
So let us calculate it, you are saying that you are doing a lot of good deeds, etc and that your intentions are good, and your heart is pure. Alright, I agree with you, but I want to ask you one question. Let us calculate this together. Every day you go out every man that looks at your hair and your body- do you take sins or not? Of course you take sins because you didn't obey Allah’s command. And you'll find that the lady will argue: It's not my fault, my intentions are good, it's the man that will take sins for looking at me. No sister. He will take sins if he stares at you because you were attracting attention by exposing certain parts of your body.
Everyday how many sins does a woman who doesn't wear the Hijab  take? Would it go over a thousand sins a day or not? And remember, the man has two eyes! Not one! And the man has a heart that loves and desires and wishes. Can you imagine the sins the woman is getting? I wonder if your good deeds will be enough. Will they outweigh the thousands of sins you are getting every day? I want you to do a little experiment, every day you go out, count how many sins you are getting, on your way out, on the bus/train, at work, on the streets, etc. How many sins do you get for every man that looks at your hair/body?
Didn't Allah order you to wear the Hijab? I am afraid that your good deeds are falling from a torn bag. The good deeds enter the top and escape from the hole at the bottom.

The woman can complain that she loses her hair when she puts on the Hijab, because of the heat - So come on, do you want me to lose my hair and get bold? So I won't put it on because my hair falls off.

Sister, Allah says: Say that the Hell fire is stronger than the heat of the world.
The Prophet (saw) said: Hell is surrounded by our desires, and Jannah is surrounded by the good things.
Fourth Excuse - COMPARING
The women say that they knew ladies that wore the Hijab and they had the worst of manners, and did the worst of things. So I don't want to put the Hijab on because I don't want to be like them. Okay, I argue to the sister that thinks that: I know people who pray, but do bad things- does that mean we shouldn't pray? Some people go to Hajj so that they can hide under the title of Hajj so that they can do bad things and no one will suspect because they apparently went to Hajj which makes them free from all sins. Does that mean we shouldn't go to hajj? So sister, the wrong is not in the religion, but in the people themselves. So is the hijab bad or the person who wears the hijab is bad?

‘I will put on the Hijab, but Allah hasn't guided me to do so now. So when I am 50 years old and I have enjoyed my life, I'll put on the Hijab’. No, sister, this excuse is totally wrong. Allah says: Allah does not change a people's situation unless they change what is within themselves. You will not put the Hijab on until you change what is within yourself and work towards putting on the Hijab. It's not acceptable for you to say that Allah has not guided you- no, he has guided you and the proof is that you are listening to/reading these words. The reason you are listening to these words is Allah opening the journey of guidance to you. Allah will never leave a person unless He gives him guidance, so it is up to that person to obey or not.

A lot of men look for the pious, religious woman who respects herself with her Hijab- more than those men who look for the other women. And Allah has written who you will marry anyway! So you won't marry anyone else except for that person that Allah has chosen for you. Don't be afraid; put your trust in Allah. Allah will give you the pious husband. So when you marry, marry someone who will love you for your faith and respect you.
A man came to a scholar and asked him - If I'm going to marry my sister to someone, who should it be? The Scholar replied, marry her to a man who is a friend of Islam, so if he loved her, he will respect her, and if he hated her, he will not treat her badly.  

Seventh  Excuse - I'M STILL YOUNG
Do you know when you'll die sister? The youth's deaths are increasing! I will give you an example of a girl; a true story that really happened.
This happened in Egypt, Alexandria last year in Ramadan. The man was telling me that his wife is a Hijabi. Living in front of them was a young girl who is not a Hijabi . And the girl has good things inside her heart, like all of our sisters in Islam, but she doesn't understand the meaning of the Hijab and the meaning it has in Islam. So he said that his wife (and this is obligatory for all the women who wear Hijab) had good relations with this girl. She didn't ignore her just because she doesn't wear the Hijab, no, she was friends with her. So one day the young girl had come to ask the wife if she'd come shopping with her to buy a jeans suit. So the intelligent wife who knows that she has to give the girl dawah [knowledge of Islam] agreed to go shopping with her, but under one condition, the girl comes with the wife to an Islamic circle that was going to start. The girl agreed.
So they went to the circle and it was about repentance to Allah. And the girl was so inspired by what was being said, and started to cry until she kept repeating one sentence over and over again: I've repented Allah, please someone cover me. The people told her okay let us take you home and you can put the Hijab on. But she refused, wanting to be covered right at that moment with the Hijab; she couldn't go out without it. So they got her a scarf and a dress, and she left the building with it on. And as soon as she left to cross the road, a car hit her and she died.
I swear this is a true story. She repented before she had died.  So never give the excuse that you are still young, because you never know when you will die.
{ *** A girl should start wearing the Hijab/Scarf when she 

reaches puberty !! }
Isn't Allah dearer to you than fashion? I swear when you put the Hijab on you'll have light shining from within you, and you'll be more beautiful  with your Hijab.

Okay sister, who respects the woman more? Are the westerners the ones who have respected the woman or exploited the woman? Or Islam, who has respected the woman and covered her and liberated her from exploitation ?


SubhanAllah, sister, why don't you put it on with firm faith and ask Allah to always protect you with it and never take it off? Of course I'm not saying that taking off the Hijab isn't a sin. Taking off the Hijab is the biggest sin, the biggest sin, the biggest sin. It's the biggest sin because you would be encouraging other women to do the same. Never ever do this; Allah (swt) would hate that.
Wear the Hijab and do these three things to make sure you will never take it off.
1- Having good religious friends.
2- Attending and listening to Islamic lectures
3- Make duaa (supplications) to ask Him to keep your Hijab on and strengthen your faith.

Reference =>

At the end remember that it's your right , your choice and your life , I was only trying to give you a reminder and hopefully I gave you that little push you needed to make your decision ;) 

Jazakom Allah Khair for reading/watching the article/video =D  Please help in sharing  this article/video =)

If you have any ideas for the next video/article  then please do let me know by conacting me via my e-mail address ; 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable. therefore, I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.
